

  • Designer(s)

    Kenneth Wong Wai Kong, Deep Yuen Wing Hei

  • Client Profile

    China Assignments, Education, Information Technology & Telecom, Interior Design & Construction

  • Target Markets

    Corporate Clients, Consumers, General Public, Male Market, Female Market, Parent-Child Family Market, Elderly Market

  • Awards

    Guangzhou Tianjing Cup 2018 - New Start Up Best Ten
    Best New Character for Licensing Award 2016 - Merit
    HKICT Entertainment Award 2017 - Special Mention

  • Website


  • Email


  • Tel

    92025512, 34602106

NEARKO Limited is a multimedia company which provides a range of services to develop creative imagination into reality. Our services include: characters’ licensing, branding and advertising, mobile games development, animation and graphic creation, AR and VR production. Being awarded the “Best New Character Design for Licensing Award” and "HKICT Entertainment Award "for our original cartoon character design “Journey to the Sweet, NEARKO Limited has shown its expertise in the field by gaining various awards and funding. Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong Design Centre has shown their recognition to our company by providing funding support for our project development for the past years. Start your unforgettable journey with Master Candy!



Media Clippings:
1: 香港資訊及通訊科技獎    2: 東網